Hi Everyone,
Last week marked the loss of Prince Rodgers Nelson: the man, the myth, the legend, and let’s certainly not forget, the symbol. It was also the release of Around the World in a Day. His impact and influence on music are immeasurable. Personally, he is one of the first musicians I remember listening to their albums, and really having that album experience.
I should have probably touched on this last week, however- this is the chart for the week ending 4/24, so I felt this was a better fit. Prince’s Around the World in a Day would make its debut to the world on 4/22/85, and if this were 1985, I am sure it would be sitting right at the top of our charts.
He was one of my mom’s favorite artists, and we had a thing…anytime a new Prince record was released, we always went on street date to buy it. That was immediately followed by a trip for some ice cream or a milkshake. Then, we listened. My mom would drive us around and we would listen to the entire album front to back before we went home… and if it was really good, we would go for another spin. It was our ritual, and probably my absolute favorite memory of my mother. Still to this day, if I really want to take in an album, I want to drive around and listen to it first.
When I heard Around the World in a Day, I went crazy for it. I had never heard anything like it. Prince had created his own Magical Mystery Tour and I was obsessed. In fact, I listened to it so much, my mom eventually had to return to go buy her own copy because I wouldn’t give it up.
Here is the funny thing; I was WAY too young to be listening to Prince! I am still not sure what my mother was thinking giving that record to a first-grader. I guess we will just have to blame the 80’s for that. But this week, I am thankful to Prince for the music he shared with the world. I am also eternally grateful to my mother for always encouraging me to discover and challenge myself with music, and of course for corrupting that young mind with the sounds of Prince!
Here are the charts,
Andrea Paschal
Executive Director
Coalition of Independent Music Stores
ThinkIndie Distribution
3738 4th Terrace North
Birmingham, AL 35222
Phone: 205.595.1932 x.208
Fax: 205.595.1938
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Around the World in a Day
(Paisley Park/Warner Bros.)
Andrea Paschal - CIMS/ThinkIndie Executive Director