Hi Everyone,
So, this past weekend was weird, to say the least. It is the first April in well over a decade that we did not have the celebration of who we are and what we do best: Record Store Day. If things were “normal”, which nothing is right now, I would be giving you all recaps of the weekend. There would be plenty of “best day ever” stories I am sure, as we have such a solid line up of RSD titles this year. But as I said, and as you all know, nothing is normal right now. Life as we have previously known it has been put on pause, and I am not sure when we come out of it if things will ever be the same again. We are all having to adapt and evolve to learn to survive, and I am not just talking about the physical music business.
But, it is not all bad. I am a person that wants to look for the light in the midst of the dark, and here is what I see:
I see our Coalition returning to its roots, as our stores come together to share ideas and support for each other. I see determination, innovation, and creativity. I see an outpouring of love and support from the labels and artists with all of their efforts to spread the message of the importance of our stores. I see music being the thing people are holding fast to right now for comfort and inspiration.
To say this is all a challenge is an understatement, and it seems as though the odds are stacked against us. However, I am not one to shy away from a challenge, and I believe we can survive and make it through this, as long as we do it together.
Speaking of working together, our good friends at Dualtone have partnered with ThinkIndie Distribution to design and create a shirt to help promote that message. We are working to launch that today, and they will soon be available for pre-order at 200 retailers around the country. All of the proceeds will go to those stores, so please help us spread the message. We want to make sure that when this is all over, we still have our record stores. This is the year that calls us to remember that “Every day should be Record Store Day”. It is time for us now, more than ever to #ThinkIndie. Let's continue to support and show love to all the small businesses that make our communities unique and, most importantly, the ones that bring us the music. #SaveYourRecordStore
Thank you,
Andrea Paschal
Executive Director
Coalition of Independent Music Stores
ThinkIndie Distribution
3738 4th Terrace North
Birmingham, AL 35222
Phone: 205.595.1932 x.208
Fax: 205.595.1938
Email :
Sign o' the Times
(Paisley Park/Warner Bros.)
Russell Cothran - ThinkIndie Sales & Marketing
Can’t believe u’ve been gone 4 years. Man, do you know how much ur music enriched mine & so many other’s lives? All of us music geeks will continue 2 get the funk up. Eye consider ur first 8 years, from ur self/titled debut through ur true masterpiece, Sign o’ the Times, as strong an output of musical goodness as any other artist or band, EVER! On top of that, add in The Time, Vanity/Apollonia 6, Sheila E., The Family, Madhouse, etc. etc. plus all the songs u gave away, nevermind all the b-sides that effin rocked, who could touch u! Who else but u could get away with "Bambi" on Ellen? I guess the light that burns twice as bright, lasts half as long. RIP Prince…hope to c u again 1 day!