Hi Everyone,
Here are the charts for the week.
Andrea Paschal
Executive Director
Coalition of Independent Music Stores
ThinkIndie Distribution
3738 4th Terrace North
Birmingham, AL 35222
Phone: 205.595.1932 x.208
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The Other Side of Make-Believe
Russell Cothran - ThinkIndie Sales & Marketing
It’s not that far removed from 9/11, time-wise. We were sitting in offices a few blocks away from Ground Zero, as Matador introduced us to this new band. The track they played was "NYC". As the wall of guitars built with Paul Banks repeating, “It’s up to me now, Turn On The Bright Lights,” this overwhelming sense of “everything was going to be okay & we’ll get through this” washed over me. It still sticks with me, twenty-plus years later anytime I put the needle on the record. Needless to say, I’ve been a fan of Interpol since that day.
With each listen, I am really loving The Other Side of Make-Believe. I love the space. This go-around, they seem to have slowed things down, which really showcases Sam Fogarino’s inventiveness behind the kit. Daniel’s guitar is still front & center, but more restrained, allowing one to really soak up all that is going on in each song. I look forward to the tour, because in a live setting, I can only imagine how The Other Side of Make-Believe, will make me feel. I’ll be right there, watching Sam for the most part, as the sounds wash over me. It’s in those moments that life is perfect!