Hi Everyone,
How are you all doing out there? Last week we saw some of our stores begin the process of re-opening. Whether officially open to the public or still waiting it out, everyone is finding their new way of retail and working to make their stores feel safe for their staff and customers alike. Record Archive in Rochester has been busy getting ready for when they open the doors, and I wanted to share how they are creatively made their 6 ft indicators fit right into the atmosphere of the store.
On that note, I want to take a moment to say, I know it is somewhat of a controversial issue, but I really don’t get the issue people have with wearing a mask. What is the big deal?! Sure, it is a little bit of a hassle and feels a bit strange, so what. In the grand scheme, it is a small price to pay. We all want to get back to life, to see our friends, to go record shopping!!! We just need to do that responsibly. What we don’t want is to go through this again, and if we take those simple precautions, it can make a big difference. So please, do it for yourself, do it for others, and let’s help keep everyone healthy and safe.
Okay, on to more exciting music news, Jason Isbell’s new album, Reunions was our top debut last week. This week, it is the number one album at indie retail and made it into the Billboard Top 200! There is always going to be that number one on the chart, but this one is special. I would like to say thank you from the bottom of my heart to Jason Isbell, Thirty Tigers, and the Orchard for putting indie retail first on this one. You really showed us the love and we gave it right back. Congratulations!
Have a happy Memorial Day weekend.
Here are the charts,
Andrea Paschal
Executive Director
Coalition of Independent Music Stores
ThinkIndie Distribution
3738 4th Terrace North
Birmingham, AL 35222
Phone: 205.595.1932 x.208
Fax: 205.595.1938
Email : andrea@cimsmusic.com
Jason Isbell & The 400 Unit
(Southeastern/Thirty Tigers)
Alayna Alderman - Record Archive
I am loving Reunions, the new Jason Isbell record. Not only do I think this is a beautiful record- thought-provoking, sentimental and sweet, but I love the artist behind this record. If the world had more Jason Isbells, who was so gracious with sharing his love and support of indie record stores, we would all be living in a better place.