Hi Everyone,
Well, to say we are in unchartered territory these days seems to be putting it lightly. Almost overnight, not just stores and our industry, the entire country has been turned upside down. It is hard to know where this journey is going to take us all. I have been talking to our stores all over the country and it is a different story for everyone with restrictions and shelters different from town to town.
You know the saying, “Necessity is the mother of invention”, well that is definitely true and some of our stores are getting very creative with online efforts, virtual shopping trips, curbside pickup, and even delivery. Matt Vaughan and his son Archie, of Easy Street Records in Seattle, WA. are leading the charge of bringing the music to the people. I wanted to share the news coverage of that below. Not only are they delivering music, they are delivering hope and refuge and putting a smile on people's faces during this very difficult time. Amazon may have decided that music is not a necessary item at this time, but Matt, many of our other record store owners out there, and I would tend to strongly disagree. How many times have you heard the line, “That song (or album) saved my life?” I know for me (and probably many of you reading this) at the end of the day, when I am sick to death of the miserable news, the one thing I can always count on to lift my spirits and bring me through it is music.
So, during this time, please remember all of those people that bring you the music, and do what you can to support them. We have compiled a list over at to try to keep you up to date on the status of the stores and how you can do that. RSD is working to keep that as up to date as possible, so check back often.
RSD store status link:
Andrea Paschal
Executive Director
Coalition of Independent Music Stores
ThinkIndie Distribution
3738 4th Terrace North
Birmingham, AL 35222
Phone: 205.595.1932 x.208
Fax: 205.595.1938
Email :
Top 5 Albums Getting Me Through It
Matt Vaughan- Easy Street Records
5. Black Pumas- S/T
4. The Waterboys- Fisherman’s Blues
3. Cigarettes After Sex- Cry
2. Spiritualized- Ladies And Gentlemen We Are Floating in Space
1. Aretha Franklin- Amazing Grace